Contact Portfolio Resumé

Hi, I'm Joe 👋

Graphic Design & Production Support

I’m an expert on the technical side of the creative process. I take the time to obsess the details, I'm resourceful and I'm great at supporting teams under pressure. I'm on the lookout for a product design or production opportunity in Central Oregon.

Email me to start a conversation!


I would gladly make Joe part of any creative team I lead in the future, and recommend him as a talented designer, artist and teammate.
Ryan R., Director | Global Talent Initiatives, Nike
Joe has always attacked a job with purpose. He asks the right questions and his attention to detail means I can be confident his work is clean and concise. Add to that, he is an easy-going person who is pleasant to work with.
Veronica J., Senior Production Artist, Nike
Joe Barstow is a self-starter, communicates really well, and has a great understanding of our unique processes. I am really impressed with how quickly he's taken on this body of work. We are thankful to have him on our team.
Chris M., Product Line Manager, Nike
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